What server configuration (e.g. software) do you implement?
ANSWER: Every single website hosted on LittleBizzy runs on Ubuntu Linux + Nginx + PHP-FPM + MySQL which is a deadly combination when it comes to speed and efficiency. Combine this setup with the SSD drives and top notch datacenters that DigitalOcean employs and, well, the rest is history! Contrast this with common “shared” hosting companies like GoDaddy, HostGator, BlueHost, etc. who are running very outdated versions of PHP and MySQL while cramming hundreds of websites onto the same server, and you will know why our clients are so impressed with our performance. Every single domain in our network is given its own dedicated IP address and “virtual instance” to ensure no effect on other clients.
Ubuntu 16.04
PHP-FPM 7+ (with cURL, GD Library, Opcache)
MySQL 5.7
Nginx (edge releases)
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