I’m a control freak… is LittleBizzy hosting for me?
ANSWER: Simply put… not really. Our business model is meant to “control” as much of the web hosting process as possible to ensure our top notch speed and security standards. This means doing things like locking down SSH access, preventing unmoderated DNS changes, and generally keeping your website as stable and “worry-free” as possible. Therefore, if your company already has its own team of highly skilled server administrators, they may quickly run into frustration at not being able to snoop around and customize your VPS as they please. Our plans are really aimed more at successful businesses who are looking to offload the technical worries of maintaining and monitoring their WordPress server — that’s why companies who have their own web designers/developers (but not system administrators) are usually the best match for LittleBizzy.
Moreover, LittleBizzy tries to maintain the same general LEMP configuration across our hundreds of clients, and since we place each client on their own VPS server, this means that we are (purposefully) not geared toward constantly tweaking things like TCP, Nginx, or MySQL settings, etc. As web technology evolves, our team settles on certain best practices and implements them across our entire customer base to achieve the best stability and performance possible.
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