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Ranking #1 In Google Search Results All Day Long… Booyah!

A photographer from Qatar. An insurance company from Chicago. A hypnotist from Australia. A photo booth manufacturer from Texas. A bamboo salt distributor from Malaysia. A cryotherapy spa from Pennsylvania (among dozens of others)… What exactly do all these small businesses have in common? They all rank #1 in Google for their target search phrase, […]

Trim 37 Secs Off WooCommerce (Cart Fragments)

If you’ve been paying attention to our SEO newsletter (subscribe for free at bottom of this page), we recently released an intriguing free plugin for WooCommerce sites called Disable Cart Fragments. This plugin, inspired by several “speed” discussions that took place across the WordPress-sphere in the past few years, simply and effectively disables the AJAX […]

0.4 Secs Load Time Nationwide w/ FastCGI Cache

We recently announced that FastCGI Cache was successfully activated across our entire managed hosting network, on every single plan that we offer — accordingly, our system now auto-deletes any WordPress cache plugins it finds. FastCGI Cache, an open source cache that comes packaged inside the Nginx server, has been steadily gaining popularity over the last […]

How to Setup FastCGI Caching on Nginx Servers

A few years back, it had already become apparent that Nginx was the brave new king of web servers, due to its impressive simplicity and ability to scale with ease. One of its most attractive features, however, was its ability to act as a “reverse proxy” either in front of an Apache server, or even […]

My Friend’s Blog: Zero to 33,000 Uniques in 1 Year

I typically cherish the utmost in privacy when it comes to personal life. However, recently someone close to me achieved such an impressive amount of free web traffic without spending a dime that I simply had to share their experience! Toward the end of 2015, I had finally convinced “her” to launch a blog and […]

New Service: Opcache For PHP ‘Opcode’ Caching

We promised 2016 would be a busy year for us, and it’s true! Already this year we’ve launched WP StageCoach for staging websites, along with CloudFlare Pro for our Enterprise plans (and as an optional add-on to other hosting plans). Now it’s time to announce Opcache, the latest and greatest service being offered FREE to […]

We Will Suspend MaxCDN In Lieu Of CloudFlare

Starting immediately, LittleBizzy is suspending MaxCDN implementations for all of our managed hosting clients. This is not a decision that we made lightly, nor does it reflect any ill-will between us and the wonderful folks at MaxCDN. In short, there are three main reasons for us having reached this decision, mentioned below in more detail. […]

How To Enable PHP 5.5 Opcache (Ubuntu 14.04)

If you have never heard of Opcache before, you may be more familiar with its former name: Zend Optimizer. In the old days, PHP “bytecode caching” did exist but it was always a 3rd party service that had to be re-compiled as part of your PHP install (or entire Apache install, as it were). With […]

Benefits & Controversies Of HTTP/2 (HTTP 2.0)

It’s been a while, perhaps, since a far-reaching development in the world of internet technology has caused so much, well… public-facing controversy — but, then again, it has also been over 15 years since the last version of the HTTP protocol was released, that being HTTP version 1.1 which went fully live way back in […]

WPEngine Nightmare: 60 Secs To Load A Page?

It’s been said many times over the years: “build it, and they will come.” I’m not sure if this is accurate, but I definitely know that offering a quality product to a market where demand already exists is nearly always a sure bet. The truly rewarding thing about running LittleBizzy is that it really doesn’t […]