Why You Should Never Use Domain Registrar “Resellers”
One common issue we see amongst our managed hosting clients is the instability of their DNS resolution. Even when requiring clients to point their NS (nameservers) at our agency CloudFlare account, which is still the fastest resolving DNS provider in the world, we still sometimes see a client whose domain is receiving “down” notices among […]
Preferred Domain Redirects (HTTP, HTTPS, www)
Configuring a “preferred” domain is probably one of the most common questions I’ve seen during my years as a WordPress and SEO consult, and it’s also one of the most poorly executed by website owners and web developers alike. Recall The 4 Possible Domain Variations The first step here is to understand all the possible […]
New Service: CloudFlare Pro (WAF, Compression)
It was only a few days ago that LittleBizzy announced WP StageCoach, and we are already back announcing another new service! We are proud to introduce CloudFlare Pro, another new partnership service that we are now offering, beginning immediately. CloudFlare Pro is now included in every single one of our Enterprise hosting plans free of […]
New Service: DNSSEC Will Protect Your Domain
We are happy to announce a new DNSSEC service for all LittleBizzy managed hosting clients. For those not familiar, DNSSEC is an increasingly popular security feature that protects your website’s domain from hijacking and other DNS exploits. Often referred to as DNS Security, the full acronym breakdown is actually ‘Domain Name System Security Extensions’ and […]
TTFB Is Still (And Always Will Be) Meaningless
As with pretty much every buzzword and digital marketing trend, the concept of TTFB has proven to maintain lasting controversy within the so-called SEO community as hundreds of bloggers and developers continue to bring it up on discussion forums, in comment threads, at marketing conferences, and in other venues for several years on end. TTFB, […]
Overview Of CloudFlare ‘Dev’ Mode In WordPress
By now, a large number of webmasters across the planet have heard of CloudFlare — a Silicon Valley SaaS with serious funding – although the vast majority still don’t seem to understand it very well. The truth is that since it first launched, CloudFlare has evolved rapidly as far as the various services and technologies […]