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Every Business Owner Should Watch ‘Bar Rescue’

Throughout my ‘consulting’ career in SEO and online marketing, I’ve always had two general types of clients: those that tried to boss me around and/or make excuses for their poor choices, and those that — despite my young(er) age — listened with keen interest to my suggestions, and tried to implement them (if only in […]

WPEngine Nightmare: 60 Secs To Load A Page?

It’s been said many times over the years: “build it, and they will come.” I’m not sure if this is accurate, but I definitely know that offering a quality product to a market where demand already exists is nearly always a sure bet. The truly rewarding thing about running LittleBizzy is that it really doesn’t […]

WordPress Founder Matt Mullenweg Attacked Me

I’m not really sure where to start here. Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress, recently attacked me publicly after I wrote a guest post for the very well-known WP Tavern blog, which covers all kinds of WordPress-related news. In the post I advocated for the hurried deprecation of XML-RPC, a rather unstable technology included by […]

My #1 Enemy As An SEO Consultant? PRIDE.

The situation is so common that I can practically rehearse it in my sleep: a new potential client has contacted me looking for loading speed improvement or other types of optimization for his WordPress website. “I want my PageSpeed scores to improve,” he might begin. “I want the site to load a lot faster, and, […]