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I have a theme/plugin problem, can you help me?

We apologize but LittleBizzy can’t help you diagnose a functionality or design issue with your WordPress theme or plugin. This falls into “web design” or “programming/development” work and is something that we do not offer, even as a paid consultation. If, however, your theme or plugin is throwing an error related to your web server such as “please install curl” or “please install GD Library” then we are happy to help get your server properly configured at anytime free of charge. We include all server monitoring, server management, and general advice free of charge as part of our managed hosting packages. This means that if you are not sure where to turn for help, we welcome you to contact us with your questions. However, please understand if our answer turns out to be “sorry, but that is a web design/development issue” because at that point you should bring your question or problem to the author of your specific WordPress theme or plugin. Thanks!

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