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Uptime Robot Service Indefinitely Suspended

Following up our announcement that WP StageCoach is being suspended, we are announcing that Uptime Robot has been suspended immediately as well. This is part of an ongoing re-organization campaign at LittleBizzy during the first few months of 2017 as we look to better optimize and clarify our managed hosting features.

This explanation will be a bit briefer than usual; in short, Uptime Robot is an awesome “uptime” monitoring service that not only has more features than most of it’s competitors, but also tends to be cheaper as well. However, as was the case with WP StageCoach, we found that the vast majority of our managed hosting clients did not use of the service.

Ultimately, we found that trying to offer a website uptime alert service was simply adding more tasks to our team’s plate (and delaying account setup) without really being demanded by our customers.

Two points of consideration for Uptime Robot:

1. Adding Recipients. Perhaps the only major drawback to Uptime Robot’s offering (from an agency perspective) is that adding an “email recipient” to alerts requires first inputting then as a recipient under Account Settings, waiting for them to click an email confirmation link, and then going back in to the correct domain monitor and confirming them as a recipient for that specific domain (way too many steps!… but to the credit of their awesome team — based in Turkey — they had mentioned to us several months ago this was being addressed, and hopefully soon).

2. Alert Customization. It would also be extremely useful if account owners could “choose” which errors (etc) to alert on. For example, we were overwhelmed sometimes by a deluge of “522 CloudFlare Timeout” errors from our client domains, which frankly were inaccurate, and which made some customers panic. If we could disable certain errors, or input custom alerts such as when the string “Error establishing a database connection” appears, it would be amazing.

In any regard, Uptime Robot is completely FREE for basic accounts, meaning that bundling it as part of our hosting plans doesn’t really prove any major advantage to most clients.

We will still be using the Uptime Robot service internally, for our company’s own monitoring purposes. In fact, what many agencies and companies do is order monitoring packages from several different services, in order to “cover their bases” when it comes to monitoring their website. We will continue to expand our monitoring capabilities both for our own homepage, and those of our clients, using Uptime Robot along with other services.

Any serious webmaster or business owner should always monitor website uptime. We encourage all our clients to register at least a free account at Uptime Robot, and/or consider supporting them with a paid account.

Other similar services include Pingdom, StatusCake, Monitis, Uptrends, SiteUptime, and

About the Author


3 thoughts on "Uptime Robot Service Indefinitely Suspended"

  1. Hi LittleBizzy Team,

    First of all, we are very happy to have you as a user, so good to know that you like the service and will keep using it and thanks very much for spreading the word.

    Appreciate the suggestions and we’ll be adding “HTTP status customization” and “updates in the alert contact activation process” in the next weeks.

    And, we are working on introducing few new exciting features as well :).

    1. Jesse says:

      Thanks so much Umut, your team is always very responsive and it is exciting to see your independent company grow and add many new features all the time.

      Best wishes for now and hope to see some of those new features rollout soon. Cheers!

  2. Hello, thanks for the comparison of website monitoring tools! I have one too… check your web every 1-5 minutes and let you know instantly when something goes wrong via e-mail/SMS. You can set various Watchdogs for checking many parameters of your or your competitors websites. In the dashboard you will see all the important numbers and statuses. You can also analyze your website for free and then register with 14 day free trial.

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