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Flywheel Is Angry About Our Web Hosting Comparison Chart

Generally speaking, it seems like a good idea to “get along” with industry peers, no matter what business you are in, at least in the spirit of friendly competition. Especially in the case of online services, you never know when you may want to partner up with the competition — or even acquire another company out there (exception: GoDaddy).

In the case of Flywheel, however, they are PISSED at us, apparently.

“Tons of False info on Flywheel on your comparison page” blared the subject line of a multi-part email thread sent by Donovan Roehr, one of Flywheel’s Sales reps. “Virtually everything you said Flywheel doesn’t have we actually do offer. Would love if your team didn’t use false information when trying to sell against us.”

Wow, okay that sounds serious. As much as we enjoy competition, I’ve always been passionately anti-defamation.

Rewind a few years and Flywheel was one of a short list of managed WordPress hosting providers starting to get their name out there. We can’t be the only one, though, who has noticed a downtrend in Flywheel’s network performance over the last year or two. In fact, in the past year Flywheel has become one of the top sources for new LittleBizzy clients, along with GoDaddy, WP Engine, and SiteGround. Part of this might be due to the fact that Flywheel has grown a lot bigger in the past few years, but from talking with our clients it’s also directly related to the poor performance they’ve noticed. (In contrast, it seems that both SiteGround and WP Engine customers have noticed performance IMPROVEMENTS in the last year or two…)

The emails continued (selective, includes notations):

“Dedicated VPS/Site, we never do shared hosting and only do dedicated VPS hosting on every single plan.”

This is simply not true; a large number and perhaps even a majority of domains that are hosted on Flywheel reside on a shared server. It doesn’t really matter if multiple customers are sharing a server between 1000+ websites, or a single customer is sharing a server between 10+ websites, it is still technically “shared” servers and not dedicated computers.

“Dedicated IP Address, this is always a dedicated IP only to each customer and to each and every plan they purchase with us.”

Perhaps true, but we clearly mention “per website”.

“Remote Daily Backups, we were the first managed WP host to always offer that. We have for over 5 years.”

Like some other “managed” WordPress hosts, Flywheel does not publish information on their datacenters; in fact they go so far as to block the server IP address and other data from PHP and WordPress scripts. They are widely believed to still use DigitalOcean, as they did several years ago, however unless they confirm this it’s impossible to know whether their backups to the AWS cloud is in fact “remote” or part of the same datacenter where they host client websites. A recent test indicates that a few of our recent Flywheel clients were in fact on the Vultr cloud. For now we’ve updated our chart to say “YES” for this category rather than “NO”.

“Optimal Datacenter, yes always for all customers.”

This one’s an outright lie. Even on their own FAQ page, it clearly states that, “The majority of Flywheel’s servers are located in New York City, and by default, that’s generally where we’ll put your site unless otherwise specified.” Obviously, hosting a site in New York would be an extremely poor choice for a company from somewhere like Singapore, especially when this is apparently done without the knowledge of Flywheel customers.

“PHP 7 + MySQL 5.7, yes we have been only using that for new servers for over a year.”

Perhaps true, but we already said your customers can opt for this by request. In contrast, LittleBizzy guided every single one of our clients onto PHP 7 and MySQL 5.7 in the last year, without exceptions. Obviously this may have been easier for us due to our smaller size compared to massive hosting companies, but the truth remains.

“Those are the false claims I have noticed so far… Just wanted you to know that so you could adjust it. It is illegal to advertise false information about our company.”

Uhh, mmkay Flywheel.

I get it, Flywheel. When we link to a Pingdom speed test showing that your homepage takes nearly 10 seconds to finish loading, it doesn’t exactly reinforce your marketing message of a performance-driven platform.

But before this whiny, unsubstantiated rant, we actually thought maybe you were one of the better options out there. Besides LittleBizzy, you are likely the only WordPress host out there that offers free migration on every single incoming domain, which is impressive. Unfortunately, you seem to have embraced the likes of GoDaddy or WP Engine as growth models for your business – SCALE! SCALE! SCALE!… regardless of server quality or website stability – instead of complementing the technology and uniqueness behind WordPress, and allowing your sales to grow more naturally through satisfaction.

I personally responded to Flywheel’s emails explaining each point on our comparison chart: Yes, every single website on our network runs PHP 7 and MySQL 5.7. Yes, every single website on our network gets its own dedicated VPS server. Yes, every single website on our network comes with free remote backups, meaning that data is not stored in the same server cluster/datacenter as the websites they are supposed to be securing. Etc, etc, etc.

“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”

Mark Twain

Apparently Flywheel had believed that we only offered some of these features on a per-case basis (like 99% of other web hosts do, and like they themselves do) instead of across-the-board for every single website that joins our web hosting! After confirming our environment to them, and requesting them to re-clarify if anything in our comparison chart was inaccurate knowing this, Flywheel refused to respond further, and slunk back off into their hole of ambiguity.

A very fine lesson: instead of getting angry at other quality services in the market, figure out how to outshine them. In fact, sometimes it just comes down to launching a comparable feature that is working elsewhere, right?

This is why we love transparency — because when you put quality first, being transparent can only help!

About the Author


11 thoughts on "Flywheel Is Angry About Our Web Hosting Comparison Chart"

  1. Valerie says:

    Thank you for sharing Jesse. Keep doing what you’re doing because you’re doing it right.

    This is a good sign for sure but I am sending positive vibes your way because I know from experience that it doesn’t feel good to be accused falsely and is especially unsettling to be threatened. You’re smart to put the story out there publically and you’re right to remain ultra transparent. LittleBizzy is all class!

    1. Jesse says:

      Your comment means the world to me, Valerie. Thank you very much.

  2. Tamhas says:

    Flywheel is the last thing I was using before I found LittleBizzy and Nginx. While they do have some nice stuff, like their local sites app for Mac, and their client/dev login setup, their core is lacking. Front and back end slower than LB, and I don’t know if they resolved it since but in 2015 when (as I recall) their server was blocking my cloudflare, they didn’t even know what cloudflare was and it took a few tries to fix it. Yes everyone has their positives and negatives, being scared to talk about them is a negative in itself

    1. Jesse says:

      Thanks for commenting Tamhas! Indeed, every business has good and bad. I understand getting angry about defamation, but legitimate claims should surely be considered.

  3. Jim says:

    Thanks for sharing Jesse! Way to set the record straight.

    1. Jesse says:

      Thanks for your support Jim, always appreciate it :)

  4. davidpaulkrug says:

    So I run a web hosting company as well. I don’t view you as a competitor. Most of my clients haven’t heard of you but they have used and heard of flywheel. Flywheel tried for months to recruit us and/or my clients.

    Unfortunately in my testing I found them lacking in speed. We run a similar setup as you using digital ocean, and vultr + cloudflare.

    What’s fascinating is how all these bigger hosting companies just serve up crap, and then combine it with crap service and expect their clients to accept it.

    There are very few companies I’d recommend in the managed wordpress hosting space and if I didnt operate my own business I’d point them your way. You seem completely knowledgeable about the right way to do things.

    1. Jesse says:

      Much appreciated David.

      The market is certainly growing more competitive and dynamic by the hour, managed hosts have the opportunity to add all kinds of value these days but many are not… yet, anyway!

      It also seems there is an over-emphasis in WordPress on “synergy” or borderline consumer fraud where various services recommend each other, even when it hurts performance. I’m not a fan of overly proprietary environments, either, but surely there is a middle ground.

      1. davidpaulkrug says:

        We operate in this hybrid space almost Premium WordPress Support that seems so popular combined with a quality hosting platform.

        With the space getting so competitive I dont understand how companies continue to serve up crap like all of Godaddy’s products, bluehost, etc.

        There arent many platforms I even like. I always test them out but then get ill after using them for about 3 to 6 months.

        Kinsta blew me away for about 6 months then their platform just turned into junk. Now that they offer lower tiered pricing the whole platform is basically junk now.

  5. Christopher Manhoff says:

    I searched fruitlessly for the “perfect” WP host for months. The more I searched, the more frustrated I got. Nobody seemed to be able to get all the pieces right and some, like BH and GD, are sheer horrors. I finally said “Screw it”, taught myself the LEMP stack and now self-host on AWS, Google or DO so I can tweak things the way I want. I didn’t find LittleBizzy until after I went solo but you guys are the only ones I found who do it right. Keep up the good work. It’s nice to know that someone else doesn’t compromise. Love your WP plugins by the way.

    1. Jesse says:

      Thanks for your kind words Christopher. Ironically enough, that is the same process I went through myself, which is how LittleBizzy got started in the first place…

      We hope our free resources help other LittleBizzy’s out there :)

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