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Technical SEO & Cloud Server Experts



What is my SFTP port number to connect?

ANSWER: Currently, all new accounts are port 6969 for SFTP. Older accounts are gradually being transitioned to this standard port number, since originally we setup each server (account) on a custom port number (each site was different, in the beginning). If you are having trouble connecting to SFTP (FTP) please...

Can you help us reset one of our WordPress passwords?

ANSWER: No, we can't. There is a built in password reset link in WordPress meant for this purpose. It will email you a new password link. If your server's email is not working, you may order SendGrid setup from our Services page to ensure the password reset function is working...

How can we manage/edit files if not by SFTP?

ANSWER: There are tons of free File Manager type of plugins for WordPress that allow you to edit, zip, download, delete etc files on your server. This is a smart approach because it preserves proper ownership and file permissions while SFTP does not. Meaning that if you overuse SFTP for...

Why don’t you offer server SSH access?

ANSWER: SSH is a very powerful technology for advanced web developers and server administrators. Because our goal at LittleBizzy is to be the technical partner for small and medium businesses that lack in-house IT departments, this means that security and stability are a huge part of what we do; in...

How do we add, change, etc SFTP users/passwords?

ANSWER: Our minimalistic setup drastically improves performance and security. As part of this vision, we add a single SFTP user for each server/website in our network. This SFTP user has access to your entire WordPress "root" meaning that they can edit or change any file on your server. Unlike cPanel...


What is CloudFlare Pro?

CloudFlare PRO is a premium service from our friends over at CloudFlare that, unlike the Free plan, offers a enterprise-grade Web Application Firewall (WAF), mobile browsing optimization options, CNAME record flattening (for DNS speed), and more insight into traffic patterns (that our team monitors). In other words, it allows for...

Cloudflare account transfer precautions

is there anything to keep in mind yes there is, because if DNSSEC is active at your registrar (e.g. the "old" Cloudflare account) then your new account will not activate SSL properly, it will be remain stuck and not be issued by Cloudflare. the same goes for Let's encrypt certificates...

What is causing CloudFlare 502 errors only on some pages?

ANSWER: This rare issue is caused by certain plugins from what we've observed, including the following: "Yeah, after poking around a lot yesterday we found out why: the plugin "Divi custom modules" ended up on an repeated loop when it was used on pages or posts without an excerpt, resulting...


Do you recommend using any ‘page builder’ plugins?

ANSWER: No, we highly recommend not using page builder plugins because they tend to cause tons of issues with security and performance. In most cases they contain an enormous amount of JS and CSS files which conflict with other plugins and themes (etc). They also create many opportunities for your...

What’s the minimum hosting plan if I’m using XYZ plugin?

ANSWER: We now require certain sites to be on the Business plan or higher. For example, if they are using heavy plugins like WooCommerce, WPML, qTranslate, MemberMouse, bbPress, BuddyPress, etc they must be on the Business plan for stability sake. Currently, this is our only requirement, however we may require...


Can’t import products in WooCommerce (403 error)

This 403 error shows in Woo 3.4+ and might also show in other versions too. It's not an error generated by the server, but rather within WooCommerce. Sometimes in PHP/WordPress a 403 is actually based on a 500 or other error, according to some developers. Long story short, use a...

I’m frustrated (with XYZ), should I move to Shopify?

Every once in a while we get a client asking about Shopify. In most cases, their WooCommerce store is not growing as fast as they hoped, and they've come across some flashy ads for Shopify on Facebook, etc. While Shopify's marketing, advertising, and SEO campaigns are surely genius, the truth...


http x forwarded

// in some setups HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO might contain // a comma-separated list e.g. http,https // so check for https existence if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'], 'https') !== false) $_SERVER['HTTPS']='on'; not needed in htaccess cuz we use nginx plus its stupid anyway just use 301s in nginx config and wordpress (force https plugin)

What HTTP headers do your servers send?

By default our LEMP stack servers send a few HTTP security headers. However, no cache headers are sent besides for static resources.

How can we setup shortlinks?

Bitly shortlinks free plugin lack of demand we canceled this service

dedicated vs shared ssl

Dedicated SSL certificates are available for any website hosted at LittleBizzy. The difference between a "dedicated" SSL cert and our free SSL option is that the dedicated SSL is issued by CloudFlare (Comodo) specifically for your domain only, while the free SSL is in fact a "shared" SSL cert issued...

Swapping domain names

No, you can't swap out a domain on a current hosting plan for a new domain, etc. Each domain belongs to its own subscription ID in our accounting system, so if you want to close out that website and launch a new one with us, please order a new Hosting...

Can I contact you for help on Facebook Messenger?

Yes, but keep in mind it is for casual requests to sales and general inquiries -- for example, issues that don't really need to be documented by our team (or you). Which hosting plan do you recommend for my site? Can you point me to the service you recommend ordering?...

Which WordPress themes do you recommend using (or not)?

You will always achieve the best performance in WordPress with custom themes. The easiest way to design custom themes is by establishing a theme development workflow based on so-called starter themes. However you can also simply use a starter theme as-is in some cases, although it might look a bit...

Do you allow adult content, cam sites, or pornography?

ANSWER: No, we don't. While this content is usually legal in the US (where LittleBizzy is based), it tends to attract unpredictable clients that are coming and going a lot, changing domain names, redirects, partnering with other sites and is kind of a nightmare to deal with. Plus, even if...

Why Can’t I Setup My Own Email API Account?

ANSWER: Originally we input any DNS records requested by our clients. However after a few years we realized that the requested records for email APIs like SendGrid or Mailgun were nearly always incorrect, which led to several follow up support questions and requests, email problems, and more website issues. For...

Do LittleBizzy Plugins Update To New Versions Automatically?

ANSWER: Yes. Using our own custom built, open source WordPress plugin boilerplate, all our plugins update via GitHub which is very fast and stable. You still must manually click the update button however, unless you enabled automatic updates using the provided defined constants. Note: this feature still under development.

What happens if I point DNS away from LittleBizzy?

If you point DNS (nameservers) away from LittleBizzy CloudFlare (for non Enterprise) or the origin server (for Enterprise) we reserve the right to turn off your server, regardless of if subscription is active or not. This is to avoid hacking, origin attacks, bandwidth overages since we have fixed pricing, and...

SlickStack Notices

I see random notices that appear in WP Admin Dashboard, but don't come from my theme or known plugins. What are they from? It's part of our XXX Notices mu-plugin, loaded as part of SlickStack/LittleBizzy. The notices will ocassionally remind you of important things from time to time.

Why don’t you support HSTS policies for SSL?

HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) are meant to force browsers to only load your site over HTTPS. While this is a good goal for security reasons, there are several other ways to force HTTPS / SSL that are safer, esp. on a mass scale such as a web hosting network....

Does your hosting support linking with a POS system?

ANSWER: Yes! If you have a "brick and mortar" store or public outlet -- such as a furniture warehouse -- but you also need to manage online orders too, WooCommerce is arguably the best solution for such a case, because the software supports extensions for physical POS systems like Square,...

Can we adjust our server’s Max Execution Time?

Answer: No. We keep the recommended default of 30 seconds for max execution of any PHP scripts. This is more than enough for properly coded scripts, especially the type that are used in a WordPress environment. If your plugin or theme is displaying a "warning" that max execution time is...

Do you recommend relative URLs vs absolute ones?

ANSWER: In the past few years, the trend among some bloggers has been to recommend absolute URLs instead of relative URLs, even though just a while back it was the opposite trend. Here at LittleBizzy we recommend relative URLs, because it can help with link tracking such as Facebook likes,...

Do you offer consolidated billing for hosting plans?

ANSWER: If you are a Reseller and have at least 10+ sites hosted with us then we can consolidate your monthly charges into a single bill to make your accounting easier to manage. However, in such cases, we have a stricter failed payments policy meaning that if your automatic payment...

Do you offer larger (shared) dedicated VPS instances?

ANSWER: No, we don't. The truth about "dedicated" instances sold by cloud providers like DigitalOcean, Vultr etc is that it's just a fancy way of saying "shared hosting" which is exactly what our approach is trying to avoid. If your agency wants to share 50 sites on one server, it...

Under what conditions do you ever delete servers?

ANSWER: Deleting servers is a term reserved for when our team must literally "delete" the VPS instance in our network. This differs from "disabling" a.k.a. suspending a server temporarily, which is usually the same as simply powering off the VPS in question. Under only one of the following: 1. Failed...

Do you offer swap space (memory) on your plans?

ANSWER: No, we don't offer swap space. This is something like a "poor man's RAM memory" which converts hard disk space to temporary memory. This not only can cause disk thrashing and damage to SSD drives but also is not optimal for temporary memory, performance, and so forth. If your...

During setup is there a temp URL we can use?

ANSWER: Yes, we can first setup your domain on the IP address instead of your actual domain. However, in order to do this, we have to configure your server as a temporary IP address environment, and then switch back to your domain for you when ready to go live (we...

What PHP extensions do you support or not support?

ANSWER: We support by default (all servers) all in this file: And we don't allow the following for security/stability reasons: ImageMagic PHP settings we don't support: short_open_tag

If we change our domain namservers, what happens?

ANSWER: If it appears to be an accident, we may notify you, or simply wait for you to contact us, if it has resulted in your site going down. For example, sometimes we see a client accidentally change their nameservers during a domain renewal, etc. However, if the nameservers have...

How can we block visitors from certain referral websites?

ANSWER: Blocking visitors (traffic) arriving to your website from certain URLs, domains, websites, or IP addresses is best done at the application level, meaning WordPress. While technically you could accomplish this at the server level (i.e. Nginx) it would be extremely difficult to manage, and in any regard, speed and...

Do you offer domain registration (registrar) services?

ANSWER: No, we don't. Unlike most shared web hosting companies who "resell" domains via other ICANN registrars, we have no interest in getting into the registrar business. Instead, we encourage our clients to keep their domains registered in a top-level ICANN registrar (not API/reseller) for best DNS speed and security....

We’d like to change our (sub)domain, how can we do that?

ANSWER: First due to our setup, you'd need to order the Domain Syntax service so that our team can re-configure your CloudFlare, NGINX, and WordPress settings along with all proper 301 redirects to avoid SEO/usability problems. Next, you may be interested in ordering our Google GSC service, even if you...

Any recommended wp-config settings?

ANSWER: Yes, please don't remove settings seen here:

Can I get a manual affiliate credit for (XYZ)…?

ANSWER: At this time, only hosting orders that are linked directly to an affiliate hyperlink are counted toward our affiliate program. We sincerely appreciate any referrals that you send our way, but simply don't have the time or resources to manage confirming affiliate sales through other means (such as confirming...

One of our email address(es) stopped working?

ANSWER: Email addresses rely on MX records in your DNS records to tell the internet where email should be sent (i.e. which server/service, such as Microsoft 365, etc). If your email address stopped working, it's either because an MX record is incorrect, or because your email service provider (i.e. Microsoft...

Can we see a preview of our site on your servers before migration?

ANSWER: Yes, however this is an extra service as we must migrate/configure your server twice rather than once. In such a case we will bill clients for a Site Migration fee who request a custom preview of their site on our servers before the real domain goes live.

How can I be added to Uptime Robot alerts?

ANSWER: In short, you can't. When LittleBizzy first launched, we added every client to the UptimeRobot alert that had been setup for each domain (server) in our network. Over time, due to limits in the UptimeRobot software and lack of interest among the majority of clients, we decided to cancel...

What PHP code is compatible with your servers?

ANSWER: We run PHP 7 exclusively, meaning that your plugins and themes must support it. Every once in a while we migrate a new client whose code is several years out of date (i.e. PHP 5.3, etc) and some funny symbols show up on their homepage. Unfortunately we are not...

What traffic analytics or statistics apps do you recommend?

ANSWER: We recommend Google Analytics above all as it loads very quickly, and arguably assists Google in understanding your site esp when connected to Google GSC or advertising campaigns. Beyond that we recommend StatCounter for a better "live" look into your traffic with detailed info on every hit and visitor....

Do you offer/support Google’s PageSpeed module?

ANSWER: The pagespeed module released by Google for Nginx and Apache servers is kinda cool. Mostly, it optimizes your web page content i.e. can minify or compress the code and a few other things. Since all our clients are behind CloudFlare, which already offers similar features PLUS delivery from CDN...

Do you add “footer links” i.e. Hosted by LittleBizzy?

ANSWER: No, absolutely not. We are not the owner or copyright holder of your data or design, and also have no "right" to alter your website's appearance in such a way. If you would like to add such a link to earn affiliate commissions that is totally your option however...

Are there any banned file extensions on your servers?

ANSWER: Yes, there are several file extensions that are not allowed for security reasons. Our cron jobs will automatically scan and delete any of the above file extensions multiple times per day: htaccess, exe, asp, aspx, jsp, com, bat, ascx, cfc, cfm, cfml, cfr, cfswf, jws, dll, vbs, reg, asis...

What are the types of TLS ciphers that you support?

ANSWER: We default completely to CloudFlare for our TLS ciphers by using the default OpenSSL configuration on Nginx and keeping that updated to Nginx "dev" release. That means the TLS ciphers are set by CloudFlare and their Comodo CA certificate and not by LittleBizzy. While its possible to support older...

Can I change my subscription to another credit card?

ANSWER: Yes, you can change your credit card anytime. One useful thing about the WooCommerce software that runs our subscription system is that you can actually have different subscriptions be on different credit cards, in case you need that functionality for taxes or accounting purposes. Simply open the Subscriptions page...

What sorts of “server usage” are not allowed?

ANSWER: As we are a managed WordPress hosting company, we only support WordPress installations and all that it entails (themes, plugins, widgets, etc). If your company or team chooses to use the server as a sort of "storage" service for various downloads or files, this is against our Terms. If...

Can we have multiple CodeGuard logins (i.e. for clients)?

ANSWER: Yes! No problem. If you are an agency/developer who wants their client or partner to have access to CodeGuard backups, we can add them easily as another user to whatever website backups. However, we do ask that their email address matches the domain so that we can ensure security...

Can we install blog/WordPress as a subdomain?

ANSWER: Yes, for sure. If your website uses another application for its homepage i.e. Shopify, Magento, etc but you wish to keep a blog separate, LittleBizzy can host your blog as a subdomain such as completely independent from your other website (homepage). However if your homepage is WordPress already...

What is the default SSL type for LittleBizzy servers?

ANSWER: We exclusively install Nginx OpenSSL to our servers and pair it with CloudFlare's publicly signed (CA) Comodo certificates which are shared certificates. This provides top notch security and the latest TLS ciphers available which is "good enough" for 99.99% of websites and situations out there. We don't offer support...

How can we check what our DNS records are?

ANSWER: Even though clients must use our CloudFlare, the cool thing is that DNS records are public. So you can use any free DNS tool to lookup your domain's DNS records and since its on Anycast DNS (CloudFlare) they usually update within a matter of minutes or even seconds:

How can we make contact forms use line breaks (paragraphs)?

ANSWER: By default, the SendGrid API will send email messages as HTML if they are already HTML. If they are plain text, but the SendGrid plugin is set to send using HTML then it must be converted to HTML: To avoid dealing with conversion issues, sending as HTML is...

How can we be sure our SSL is working correctly?

ANSWER: Sometimes a software provider will blame your SSL for not working correctly. In such a case (or for mental confidence) please refer to SSL Labs, the most trusted SSL testing tool on the web (and that Google also recommends): As you can see LittleBizzy clients always have a perfect...

Why don’t you offer access logs?

ANSWER: Access logs slow down your server, which means its one more thing that we don't want to enable for our clients in our quest for ultimate performance. Plus, since we don't offer SSH access and only offer a single SFTP user per server/website, there is really no need to...

How can we check bandwidth, RAM, CPU, SSD usage?

ANSWER: Currently we don't have a way for clients to check the usage of these common items. Because we have as "raw" a server setup as possible, we don't install heavy monitoring or control panel scripts for frontend customer usage because it slows down servers and adds more security risks....

Do you support EV SSL certificates?

ANSWER: EV SSL is not necessary for 99% of websites out there. In the last few years, it has become a bit trendy because the SSL and hosting companies are trying to push businesses into buying it just to make more money off them even though its not a normal...

Do you support VersionPress (Git version control)?

ANSWER: Yes, but only for Enterprise level clients, along with its dependencies (Git, etc). More info here: However keep in mind that using VersionPress as a remote staging service is not really possible yet, because their current release require WP-CLI (managing via SSH) and do not offer a user...

Do you support Git version control?

ANSWER: Yes, however only for Enterprise level clients. Git is an awesome technology that is by far the most popular way to track and manage versions and updates amongst highly skilled web developers. However, because of its complexity and high learning curve, it typically requires some sort of serious team...

How can we password protect our website?

ANSWER: This is very easy to do with a free WordPress plugin; actually there are several to choose from. Some of the most simple and reliable ones (from our experience) are mentioned below:

Can we alter the ‘page rules’ in CloudFlare or what are they?

ANSWER: We do not allow page rules to be changed. On the free version of CloudFlare accounts (which is most of our clients) there are only 3 page rules allowed, which we reserve for the purpose of 301 redirects of the domain syntax, i.e. HTTP, HTTPS, www, and non-www redirects...

How can I alter the HTTP(S) or www in my domain?

ANSWER: For top security and performance, domains, subdomains, and protocols are set in your Nginx configuration, WordPress configuration (and MySQL), and CloudFlare. To change this, our team must re-configure all 4 of these various items for your site and server. Please order our Domain Syntax server for a one-time fee.

Can I swap my hosting subscription for a new site?

ANSWER: Sorry, but no. If you have a current hosting subscription i.e. #12345 for and you decide that your website is no longer needed (perhaps you are shutting down the business) but you'd like to bring over a new site such as instead, this is not allowed. Rather,...

My site has a 500 error and I can’t login/load anything?

ANSWER: There are 2 types of 500 errors: server based, or web page based. In 99% of cases, they are web page based with our customers. Our servers are extremely stable and almost never send out 500 (internal error) messages. Therefore if you are seeing a 500 error and it...

Can we install WordPress/blog as a subdirectory?

ANSWER: Sorry, but we can't do this. Sometimes a company has a special software installed on their domain root like but wants to use WordPress for their blog at for SEO and/or management reasons. While this is a good idea indeed for SEO, it is a total nightmare...

Facebook is giving our users an SSL error?

If you see an error like ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH just have your user(s) upgrade their web browser. This is 99% of the time just a case of their web browser being extremely outdated so just have them keep their browsers updated to the latest versions on a regular basis and there should...

Our site is not delivering email (i.e. contact forms) etc?

Serious VPS cloud servers do not install email applications like Postfix, Webmail, etc to ensure top security and performance. If a VPS server installs these apps, there is a good chance they could be hacked or eventually lead the server or IP address or domain to be blacklisted (which can...

Is it possible to downgrade my managed hosting plan/server?

ANSWER: It is not possible to downgrade a LittleBizzy hosting plan/server at this time. This is largely because of the way cloud VPS hosting works -- the servers are designed to scale quickly as needed, but after the hard drive is expanded, it cannot be shrunk back to a smaller...

We are having Microsoft Office 365 issues?

ANSWER: Microsoft Office 365 can be used with Microsoft Exchange and is a popular option for companies and corporations with decades-old setups that are modernizing their applications but still require some of the Microsoft-unique features and software. Although we don't currently offer a setup service for Office 365, there are...

I see weird ‘security’ or login attempt errors on my site?

ANSWER: Either with the free PHP Error Log widget we setup for our clients or within a third party plugin or dashboard such as Sucuri, WordFence, or etc you may occasionally see weird errors that don't make sense. For example, it may say 404 Error for a certain CSS or...

What exactly is Bcrypt password encryption?

ANSWER: Bcrypt password encryption means that LittleBizzy is the only managed WordPress hosting company that forced all client sites to use PHP Bcrypt to encrypt all of their site user passwords. This is a very high tech and more recent encryption method that replaces older and less safe methods such...

I’m seeing an error when trying to import my WP StageCoach site?

ANSWER: This is a known issue. We are trying to work with WP StageCoach to improve their plugin's functionality on Nginx cloud servers like ours, as currently their plugin is more aimed at cPanel types of shared hosting environments (hosting APIs, etc, which LittleBizzy aims to avoid for speed/stability reasons)....

How can I get embeds working on my website?

As part of our Must Use Plugins, we install the Disable Embeds plugin which disables automatic embed (oEmbed) functions in WordPress. This is because the oEmbed feature of WordPress that was added a few years ago has several drawbacks. For example it allows other websites to embed -- and therefore...

My website’s emails are being marked as spam?

Do you recommend or allow using Hubspot?

ANSWER: You can use Hubspot anytime you wish, all that is needed usually is a few DNS records to be added to your domain zone. That being said, we highly recommend avoiding Hubspot for several reasons. While this topic is best addressed in a separate blog post, to summarize we...

How can I check your current network status?

ANSWER: Unlike many web hosts, LittleBizzy does not maintain its own hardware. Rather we purposefully partner with some of the best providers in the industry in order to ensure cutting edge technologies and better overall speed, security, and stability. The two main providers that effect network performance are CloudFlare and...

522 timeout error

ANSWER: The 522 timeout error is issued by CloudFlare occassionally to specific users in specific locations around the world. While the true nature of this error is supposed to alert users that an 'origin' server is either down or loading so slowly that no data is arriving to end users,...

I’ve lost my CodeGuard password or access somehow?

ANSWER: All CodeGuard "invite" links are sent via email during account setup per-domain, meaning that for each new website you host with LittleBizzy, another invite link will be sent to you via email. The email address it is sent to is whichever email address you maintain on your billing record...

Do I own/copyright my website data or do you?

ANSWER: You, the customer/client, own 100% of your website's data and design at all times. We have received this question a few times because of our setup, since we are managing the WordPress installation and migration process some customers are not used to have full SSH access to their server....

How to adjust the settings of CodeGuard notifications?

ANSWER: We are currently working with CodeGuard to improve their notifications for both agencies and users. This is because our account at CodeGuard is a large agency account and our customers are placed as client level access. This means we are working with CodeGuard to have two totally different notification...

What PHP modules do you support, or can you support?

ANSWER: By default on our PHP5 / Ubuntu 14.04 servers we support cURL and GD Library. On our PHP7 / Ubuntu 16.04 servers we support cURL, GD Library, mbstring, and mcrypt. If your website requires another certain PHP module than these please let us know anytime and we can install...

What happens in the case that I try to chargeback a payment?

ANSWER: We highly recommend and request never charging back a credit card payment. Not only does it hurt our reputation with Stripe, but also is considered pretty poor business ethics (and in certain cases, amounts to fraud and/or theft). While our refund policy is not overly liberal, our business model...

I’m a cheapskate or tightwad, is LittleBizzy for me?

ANSWER: Sorry, but no. While our pricing is designed to be marked up at a minimum in order to maintain reasonable rates in this industry, the base price of our infrastructure is still significantly higher than the "cheap shared hosting" that many clients are accustomed to on the web. If...

After migration, I’m still seeing an old site/server/errors?

ANSWER: Occasionally after we've completed a new website migration to our VPS servers, a client will contact us saying they are still "seeing" their old site, or that loading speed hasn't improved, or that certain errors appear (i.e. 404 error, etc). In nearly every case, this is due to slow...

To avoid files outside WordPress, how to create a custom page?

ANSWER: Several clients often upload directories or .HTML or .PHP files outside their WordPress installation because they think its the only way to perform a certain function or design an entirely custom landing page or otherwise. This is 100% inaccurate, and can cause serious issues in regard to speed, security,...

Why can’t I just host my site directly on DigitalOcean?

ANSWER: Actually, you can do that if you wish. However, keep in mind that emerging cloud server companies like DigitalOcean and Amazon's AWS are aimed as massive world-wide infrastructure and positioning themselves as a "cornerstone" in the "stack" of web technology. This means that unlike consumer-oriented hosting companies, they are...

How does your free website migration (setup) process work?

ANSWER: LittleBizzy offers one free migration for each new site that joins our hosting plans. This includes complete VPS server setup and custom configuration depending on your site and preferences (i.e. www vs non-www, etc). To proceed we require: 1. your WP admin login from your "old" site 2. as...

I’m having issues importing/syncing/etc WP StageCoach?

ANSWER: Since launching our partnership with WP StageCoach we've never seen any issues with setting up the actual staging sites -- the high quality code of their plugin and slick interface tends to be very reliable. However, there is usually issues with re-importing your staging site back into a live...

How long do WP StageCoach staging sites last?

ANSWER: As long as you are logging in to your WP StageCoach staging site often (i.e. every few days or so) then it should remain active. However, after around 3 weeks of no logging in, your staging site will be automatically deleted by WP StageCoach in order to clear up...

Can or should we install the CodeGuard plugin?

ANSWER: No you shouldn't. Their plugin was recently relaunched after having canceled the plugin for some years. However the new version of the plugin is very simplified and lacks most of the features available via CodeGuard offers two setups: SFTP site or plugin site, and we choose SFTP for...

Can (should) we use ManageWP or InfiniteWP plugins?

ANSWER: We highly recommend NOT using management plugins like these because it can hurt your site's performance and security. Over the years we've seen these plugins crash client websites without warning or cause other security risks, and in the end they truly don't save much time or effort in our...

Your disk space and bandwidth seem lower than others?

ANSWER: Due to our partnership with DigitalOcean, one of the fastest growing VPS companies in the world, we offer some of the best hosting technology available to our clients including SSD drives, top notch datacenters, top of the line RAM memory, and more. However, due to the nature of virtual...

Why is setting up CloudFlare a mandatory first step?

ANSWER: AS part of our business model, we manage the DNS records and DNS performance/security on behalf of our hosting clients. This allows us to maintain total control over the performance and security of your website, with the added benefit of avoiding the constant "confusion cycle" that many small businesses...

Why can’t we add files directly into the home directory?

As per standard Linux security protocols a user, especially an SFTP user, should be jailed into a max parent directory. /home/example is that such directory for LittleBizzy and this level stores certain cron jobs and other config files owned by the root /home/example/www is the public files directory and the...

What is the Nginx server block code that you use?

For SSL sites: For non SSL

Can I save a ‘backup’ credit card on my account?

ANSWER: Yes! With our WooCommerce setup you are able to save multiple credit cards on the My Account page which show up under the Saved Cards section. To be able to initially add a card to your account, however, you may need to actually make a purchase first with the...

How often do file permissions get reset?

ANSWER: File permissions, including owners, groups, and file/directory permissions in Linux Ubuntu are reset via cron jobs every 1 hour. Similar cloud VPS hosts opt to reset these only once per 24 hours, but since we put each site on its own VPS server, we can push this window a...

How many sites can I host on a single plan?

ANSWER: only one site (one domain and one database) is allowed per hosting plan on LittleBizzy to ensure maximum speed, stability, and security. As we target well-established businesses who are serious about maintaining a well performing site, we don't allow or support multiple domains to be setup on the same...

Is your SendGrid setup on your account or mine?

ANSWER: Our SendGrid setup is using our agency SendGrid account. This is because we are a managed hosting company, meaning that we manage services on behalf of our clients. When we setup SendGrid we monitor the delivery statistics and make sure that email is flowing properly for our clients. In...

Stop/force plugins/themes from updating automatically?

We install the free Easy Updates Manager plugin to all client sites as a "Must Use" plugin meaning you can't delete it. However, it is very configurable and you can simply choose which plugins or themes you wish to automatically update (or not) by visiting this link: Besides this...

Why am I seeing a “402” Payment Error on Stripe?

The most common reason for the 402 error is that the credit card information you have input is not correct. Please carefully double check the card number, expiration date, etc and try to submit again:

What are the ‘Must Use’ plugins for your setup?

ANSWER: We deploy several Must Use plugins for WordPress meaning that our clients are not able to delete or disable these plugins on their website. The concept of Must Use plugins was originally based on WordPress Multi User (MU) where multiple websites are setup on the same database; for easier...

Why don’t you accept “brand new” websites?

As LittleBizzy offers 100% free setup and migration, which we are dedicated to retaining, taking on brand new websites that are not very "serious" and who often cancel their hosting plan just a few short weeks later means several hours of wasted time on our part. As we have grown,...

How can I change my website/server domain name?

ANSWER: For both accounting reasons and technical (networking) reasons within DigitalOcean, changing your website's domain is not a quick and easy process. It requires our team setting up an entirely new VPS server with the new domain name, and then migrating over your data to that new server. We then...

Do you or will you offer Drupal hosting?

ANSWER: Not at this time. We've had several inquries about Drupal hosting, and while we definitely respect Drupal's long history and stellar open-source community, we are simply focused on being the best WordPress hosting provider on the web right now. Perhaps if things change in the future or we see...

How do I place a new hosting order?

ANSWER: For various reason, many new or existing customers prefer to get in touch with us first before ordering a new hosting plan. Sometimes, this is to ask us for our recommended plan based on their traffic and site structure. Other times, its to confirm we are still alive (etc)....

Can you disable caching (Opcache, Redis, etc)?

ANSWER: It depends. For Opcache, we NEVER disable it under any circumstances. Opcache brings a huge level of stability to LEMP servers and there is no reason to disable it besides the annoyance of having to occassionally purge it during web coding updates, but you can use the free Opcache...

Do your servers send 304 If Modified Since headers?

No. After spending a lot of time researching this, our team decided not to send these headers via Nginx, nor implement any WordPress (PHP) based version of this header either. The reason is explained more in our blog post but in short, dynamic content is risky to include 304 headers...

Are there foreign exchange fees with your billing?

Yes, there might be, depending on your location (and your bank's location, i.e. whoever issues your credit card on file). Our "incoming" bank that accepts Stripe deposits from clients is based in the USA, however. We are continuing to research this to make things easier for clients, but you may...

Do you support CloudFlare’s ‘Flexible SSL’ option?

No, we do not. Initially, we did, as it provides an encryption option for web users visiting websites in the case that the website owner has not setup a 'proper' SSL connection yet. However, we decided to disable and disallow the 'flexible SSL' option for all of our clients. The...

How can we “purge” resources in our CDN zone?

The LittleBizzy team is in the process of developing a WordPress plugin that will allow you to purge individual files from MaxCDN or CloudFlare (caches). Until this plugin is released, we've developed a script with the help of the MaxCDN team that allows you to purge your ENTIRE zone from...

If we get malware, do you fix it for us, or what?

Malware is an increasingly serious concern among webmasters, and the number of attacks continue to grow. While some web hosting companies offer "malware removal" services, our goal here at LittleBizzy is prevention, rather than "fixing" after the fact. For this reason we highly encourage website owners to read and understand...

What happens if recurring credit card charges fail?

This page is a FAQ as well as our official Failed Payments Policy In the case of an automatic payment failing in relation to a monthly hosting subscription, our system will alert you via email that the credit card charge has failed and that you must take immediate action. If...

A plugin recommends ‘query cache type’ enabled?

As LittleBizzy uses MySQL 5.6 which is vastly different from older versions of MySQL, many settings are now different by default, and configuration is not the same recommendations as earlier versions of MySQL. One such setting that was always recommended prior to version 5.6 was 'query cache type' however this...

Do you offer any phone support to hosting clients?

Our apologies but we do not offer phone support at this time. Unlike GoDaddy and other cheap "shared" hosting providers that enjoy the game of phone support and upselling customers to various services, LittleBizzy aims to simplify and minimize the ordering process for our clients but offering clear cut services...

Can I setup Google Apps without ordering yours?

Yes, if you know how to do it, no problem. If you wish to setup Google Apps on your domain and you already know 100% how to do that and migrate all of your emails from previous accounts into your team's new Gmail accounts, there is no reason to order...

I ordered new hosting/etc but haven’t heard back?

Our team is very responsive to new orders and support requests. If you ordered hosting or a new service and are not sure what to do next, please check your email address (the one that you used to setup a new account here at LittleBizzy) as chances are that we...

Can you install my custom (3rd party) SSL cert?

Sorry but we are currently not offering this service. In other words, the only SSL option at LittleBizzy is our free SSL certicate by way of OpenSSL (Nginx) paired with CloudFlare's free Comodo domain-level SSL certificate. In this way we are able to offer SSL (HTTPS) as a "free forever"...

Is there any advantage to minifying a website?

No, not with our setup. As all LittleBizzy clients are behind CloudFlare which includes free minify for HTML, CSS, and JS, there is no reason to install minify again on your WordPress site, and in fact the "double" minify can lead to problems and errors. Even "single" minify can cause...

One of my plugins is asking me for an SSL Seal?

In short, you don't need this and it slows down your site. An SSL Seal is just a graphic image provided by some web hosts that says "we are using SSL!!!" or something similar to make your users feel safer. However the browser already shows the HTTPS (SSL) lock symbol...

SMTP (email) plugin stopped working over SSL?

If you use a free SMTP plugin for WordPress which offers email delivery on behalf of your domain for things like contact forms, lost password, etc. please be aware that SMTP does not function over an SSL connection. We recommend you either switch to using the oAuth API from Google...

What are the ‘target’ types of clients that you seek?

Sometimes it makes things a lot easier after you know what the target audience of a company or service is. For LittleBizzy we target small and medium businesses that are already successful (or growing) and who are in need of better website performance and super easy server management. We say...

Our JetPack plugin isn’t working, do you support it?

Our apologies but while certain functions in JetPack may work on our hosting, others may not. This is because we block XML-RPC on our customers' VPS servers for better security. XML-RPC is an old feature of WordPress that allows remote connections, opening WordPress sites open to all kinds of spam...

Why do you block XML-RPC for all hosting clients?

LittleBizzy disables and blocks XML-RPC on all domains hosted in our network. We made this decision after consulting with DigitalOcean on several series of attacks happening against our clients and because of the fact that 99% of WordPress websites do not use (or need) the functionality of XML-RPC. Firstly we...

Can LittleBizzy stop ‘enabling’ certain features?

When a new website (domain) joins LittleBizzy, there are several services and features that our team sets up. Some of them are mandatory, i.e. CloudFlare, while others are optional, including Comet Cache, Disable Emojis, Automatic Updates, and so forth. While we strongly encourage clients to keep all "recommended" plugins and...

Trailing slashes are being forced into my URLs?

Traditionally, trailing slashing a good idea for website structure because it meant micro-second faster loading speeds for servers, as they didn't have to check whether a page was a directory first. These days, especially with Nginx servers, its not so relevant anymore, however trailing slashes are more just a good...

520 CloudFlare error on WordPress login page?

If you are seeing a 520 error issued by CloudFlare when you try to login to your WordPress admin panel i.e. that is likely because you are refreshing the page too often or too many devices are trying to load the page at the same time. As LittleBizzy implements...

Do you offer discounts for long-term or non-profits?

At this time we do not offer any discounts for long-term purchases (i.e. annual billing for hosting plans) nor do we offer discounts for bulk purchases. Our pricing is based on upstream pricing of our partner services i.e. CloudFlare, DigitalOcean, MaxCDN, etc and is marked up at a minimum. Therefore...

How can I “noindex” a page from Google (etc)?

This is a default option in WordPress under Settings >> Privacy >> uncheck "allow robots to index this site" ... or to be extra sure you may also install a free plugins such as this one: which will block your entire website from Google or other search engines from...

Can you block certain countries from our site?

Yes, we can block all visitors from certain countries or force them to solve a captcha if you wish using CloudFlare settings. However, we don't really recommend this as sometimes it can cause false alarms and block your legitimate users (i.e. if they are traveling, moving, or etc). It's overall...

What CDN plugin or interface do you use?

We exclusively use the CDN Linker plugin as recommended by MaxCDN. It is truly the best interface for any CDN service because of its reliable, simple options. If you wish to try a different plugin you are free to do so of course, however, it will not be supported by...

Do you enable Rocket Loader from CloudFlare?

No we don't enable Rocket Loader. While its a cool tool with lots of potential, the Rocket Loader still tends to cause issues for many websites. Specifically the Rocket Loader is a free feature that combines all javascript (JS) files and loads them async which theoretically speeds up loading time....

As far as data retention goes, what is your policy?

As part of our goal to offer speed, stability, and security to WordPress-based business websites, we understand that a clear data retention policy is a necessary requirement. Here at LittleBizzy, we have a failed payments policy that defines precisely when our team will be "forced" to disable and eventually delete...

Why don’t you offer phpmyadmin setup?

We don't ever install phpmyadmin for our clients because it is one of the most commonly hacked and targeted applications in the world. It really doesn't matter what security steps you take, phpmyadmin will still often be targeted by hackers or bots. Not only this, but installing phpmyadmin tends to...

How can I optimize my WordPress “options” table?

This is a more advanced issue for "power" users of WordPress. However, a few customers have discussed this issue with our team so we want to be sure its documented. In WordPress when you install themes or plugins, they load a setup of options on your wp_options table in MySQL....

How fast do you respond to support requests?

Our current goal as a growing startup is a response time of less than 12 hours, although in most cases we are able to respond within a few hours or less. As we do not currently have a 24/7 support team, and as server performance is extremely stable on DigitalOcean...

Do you allow email newsletter WordPress plugins?

Yes! Earlier in LittleBizzy's lifetime, we did not allow any newsletter plugins. This is because we were setting up our customers as sub-accounts of our agency partnership with SendGrid to deliver email on behalf of our clients websites. At that time it was impossible to track inside SendGrid which domain...

Do you offer New Relic or monitoring apps?

If you aren't aware, New Relic is a wildly popular application that you can install on servers to "monitor" performance and applications; there are not many comparable apps out there right now. In our opinion, New Relic a vastly misused software amongst small businesses who often fall prey to the...

How can I access a ( backup of my website?

ANSWER: Every website on LittleBizzy comes with a free CodeGuard account which automatically backs up your site every night. If you like, you can also login CodeGuard at anytime and request a manual on-demand backup as well (remember to do this twice, for both your files/FTP and also your database/MySQL)....

Do you support files outside my WordPress install?

Files or folders outside of your proper WordPress installation do not fall under what LittleBizzy (or the WordPress community) considers part of a proper WordPress installation. For example, if you are improperly using your server as a "storage" service for personal photos, client files, etc. that are outside your WordPress...

Visitors are seeing SSL errors on my site?

At LittleBizzy we use the most modern SSL (TLS) technology available by way of Nginx / Ubuntu servers paired with CloudFlare's Comodo-signed domain-level SSL certificates. This means that you site is extremely secure and using the best encryption and sipher suites possible. Sometimes we get clients asking us why some...

If I upgrade hosting, should I reorder (add-on) services?

No, you should not! If you upgrade your server (hosting plan) all of your purchased services are included in that. For example, SFTP, SSL, SendGrid, or any other paid service will be transferred automatically to your upgraded (stronger) server plan free of charge. So, if you already purchased services, please...

Do you offer any coding/development services?

In general we stay away from web design, web development, coding, programming because it is very time consuming and depends entirely on the specific website/function that is being addressed. We believe strongly in specialization and here at LittleBizzy our specialty is loading speed and managed hosting. We are happy to...

My site shows “slow” loading on Pingdom/PageSpeed?

Free tools like Google PageSpeed and Pingdom and GTMetrix are very useful to check the optimization of a website and its server. In fact, we here at LittleBizzy LOVE these free tools and use them often. However, certain problems often arise because of the misunderstanding involved with these tools. Firstly,...

Do you install PHP cURL by default?

UPDATE: we are now offering/installing cURL on ALL client servers at LittleBizzy due to several popular plugins refusing to do away with it... we hope within the next few years we can 100% stop using cURL on our client servers, though. At LittleBizzy we don't include any PHP modules in...

What timezone do you set on servers?

We set all our client servers to UTC timezone which is recommended now regardless of the actual location of your server or audience. This is create better coordination and compatibility on the internet between software and applications, for example, the Wishlist plugin for WordPress requires this.

Can you get in touch with a third party (etc) for me?

Sorry, but no! Under no circumstance can our team at LittleBizzy contact a 3rd party on your behalf. For example, sometimes a client asks us to "get in touch" with his "developer" or the author of a certain WordPress plugin or theme. Thanks, but no thanks! We offer a lot...

How does your automatic billing work?

LittleBizzy has partnered with Stripe, the world's fastest growing payment processor, to do all our billing. This includes single time payments and automatic recurring payments for our hosting packages. All payments must be made with a major credit card, which can be saved to your LittleBizzy My Account page. For...

Do you offer server log access (Nginx, MySQL, PHP, etc)?

At this time, we only offer PHP error log access on a request-only basis. 99% of our clients join LittleBizzy because they don't need or want tons of distractions like server logs. However, sometimes our clients do have 3rd party developers who help maintain their site who want to view...

Which security plugin(s) do you recommend?

Security plugins for WordPress are exactly like anti-virus programs for a computer: if you manage your system properly, there is truly NO need for such applications whatsoever. Many of our clients are rather taken aback at first when we recommend them to remove their security plugins; many of them (WordFence,...

I’m seeing an error when I access my site?

When it comes to the internet, there are so many elements at play and so many types of "errors" when access a site, it depends entirely on the specific error or situation before anyone (including LittleBizzy) is able to diagnose why you can't see your site. That being said, our...

Your team is small, what if you disappear?

Sometimes during sales chats, we get a client who says "I love your concept, but your team seems small, what if you disappear?" ... they don't mean anything rude by the question, but its a legitimate concern. Since LittleBizzy is not a massive GoDaddy type of corporation with huge investors...

I have a theme/plugin problem, can you help me?

We apologize but LittleBizzy can't help you diagnose a functionality or design issue with your WordPress theme or plugin. This falls into "web design" or "programming/development" work and is something that we do not offer, even as a paid consultation. If, however, your theme or plugin is throwing an error...

How can I fix (or avoid) owners/permissions issues?

ANSWER: In short, try not to overuse SFTP for file editing or web design, and use the WordPress interface instead as much as possible. If SFTP is necessary, however, and you notice permissions issues, kindly wait up to one hour and the issues should resolve themselves due to the hourly...

How can I generate a Robots.txt file?

If you are not aware, maintaining a robots.txt file for your WordPress site (or any website) is very important for proper SEO, including Google indexing, accessibility, and more. This file should always reside on your site "root" meaning or likewise. You can either login to SFTP and manually create...

Which files should I (not) have in my root directory?

One of the most common issues we see with new clients is the mess of files and directories all over their WordPress servers. This includes info.php type of files, personal storage of videos and photos, and all other types of junk. SFTP is not a storage closet and should NEVER...

What’s (not) included in your hosting plans?

ANSWER: In short, anything that appears for sell on our Services page is not included in any of our hosting plans, including items such as SFTP access, SSL certificates, SendGrid API usage, and so forth. Our plans do include several FREE services that are listed at the bottom of the...

How can we cancel our hosting plan subscription?

If you wish to cancel your hosting plan with LittleBizzy and/or any other recurring subscription service that you may have with us, simply login to your account and visit the Subscriptions tab, where you can click "cancel" next to any subscription item that is currently active. Keep in mind that...

How should I 301 redirect my domain/page?

Fore those not familiar, a 301 redirect is a special "header" code for web browsers that forces a page (or entire domain) to permanently redirect to a new location (URL). 301 redirects are extremely important for usability, organization, and SEO purposes as well. If you are looking to redirect a...

Which IP Ranges Do You Whitelist In CloudFlare?

Note: In the past few years, we've steadily been having clients setup their own CloudFlare account, and then add us as a Team member (admin user) who can access their domains. In such a case, you will need to update the below whitelisted IP ranges in your CloudFlare settings. Our...

Does LittleBizzy allow WordPress Multi-Site installations?

Sorry, but no we don't! Multi-Site is a special version of WordPress that is meant for large organizations or complex websites whereby dozens or hundreds of "sub-accounts" or "sub-users" can create a mini website on your domain. Specifically, this is done via subdomains such as or Some startup...

How can I edit my website’s .htaccess file?

As all of our servers use Nginx rather than Apache, there is no such thing as an .htaccess file on our VPS servers. Instead, Nginx has a very simple and streamlined system where most "rules" can be input directly into the "server block" code which is similar to a virtual...

How can we access any error logs?

While we don't ever provide SSH access to servers, we make use of Error Log Monitor as a Must Use plugin that allows us to present the PHP error log easily to our WordPress hosting customers directly in their WordPress admin dashboard. If this is something you'd like to setup...

Which WordPress plugins do you recommend using (or not)?

Like most attentive web hosts, over the years we've developed a list of banned WordPress plugins that we disallow on our servers for reasons of security, performance, or otherwise. Naturally, this evolving list is appreciated by our clients, but has lead many people to say, "Okay, I get it, and...

How can we clear (purge) the various caches on our website?

ANSWER: Because we deploy SlickStack for all our managed hosting clients, there are multiple caching technologies that your team should be aware of. While this might be slightly different from other web hosts you are used to, thankfully SlickStack uses industry standard caches and refrains from "rebranding" them to sound...

Which SMTP plugin settings should I use?

If you are using an SMTP plugin in order to send email from your website (i.e. for contact forms, etc) then you will need to ensure your SMTP settings are setup correctly. This depends entirely on the email provider you have connected with your SMTP plugin, for example here are...

How can we setup new cron jobs?

In nearly all cases, there should be no need to setup additional cron jobs to your WordPress website. WordPress itself has a built in cron system that automatically addresses various tasks that need to be taken care of. In some cases, WordPress themes or plugins have cron jobs of their...

Why must we use your CloudFlare account?

Our business model is entirely based on off-loading technical worries from small businesses while simultaneously providing the fastest and most secure WordPress hosting possible. As part of this goal, LittleBizzy requires all customers to point their domain at our private CloudFlare network for DNS resolution. CloudFlare is currently the world's...

How does your server management work?

As part of our "managed" hosting services, LittleBizzy keeps an eye not just on your server uptime but also on its software and security updates. This includes our full server stack i.e. Ubuntu Linux updates, Nginx updates (and all modules including OpenSSL, etc), PHP-FPM updates (and all modules including cURL,...

Why are you cheaper than other hosts?

Web hosting is a racket - at least, it has been up until now. The price of web hosting technology has dropped significantly in the last few years, although most hosting companies don't want you to know that. LittleBizzy only puts one website on each VPS droplet to ensure the...

How does LittleBizzy compare with other hosts?

You may not realize it, but the majority of "large" web hosting companies around the world are owned by the same handful of parent corporations like GoDaddy and EIG despite being marketed as dozens of different brands. This means that they all answer to the same handful of shareholders and...

Which hosting plan should (must) my site require?

We encourage you to contact us before ordering a plan so that our team can help you decide which package is best for your website. In general, though, our Standard plan is sufficient for most sites getting less than a few hundred visitors per day. If your site is getting...

Do you offer Varnish, memcached, etc?

We have plans to integrate Varnish and/or Memcached into our Enterprise plan in the future, along with CloudFlare Pro + Railgun. However, as we are still growing and focused on small and medium sized businesses (SMBs) we do not currently offer these advanced services. Please check back later as LittleBizzy...

Can I resell your hosting packages to my clients?

Yes! All you would need to do is order the hosting packages that your clients need, and make sure all of them are under your same LittleBizzy account. We treat the billing information as the single point of contact for each domain in our system, so whoever has paid for...

What sort of email services do you offer?

The VPS servers at LittleBizzy do not include any sort of email services whatsoever. In other words, the servers in our network will not send any emails via WordPress nor can you setup any [email protected] types of email addresses. This is standard on high-end VPS servers to ensure maximum speed...

Do you offer any control panel (i.e. cPanel)?

No, thankfully, we do not! Control panels like cPanel, Plesk, or ISPConfig come with inherent speed and security issues. High-end VPS servers never install control panels such as these to maintain the highest possible speed and security settings for the website they are hosting. If you think about why you...

Do you offer any web design services?

In general we stay away from web design or graphic design, because its a very personal thing and not something that we focus on here at LittleBizzy. However, we do offer WordPress theme installation and configuration services on a case-by-case basis as long as it doesn't involve serious coding/design along...

I’m a control freak… is LittleBizzy hosting for me?

ANSWER: Simply put... not really. Our business model is meant to "control" as much of the web hosting process as possible to ensure our top notch speed and security standards. This means doing things like locking down SSH access, preventing unmoderated DNS changes, and generally keeping your website as stable...

Why should I trust you with my credit card data?

Actually, you don't even need to trust us! Stripe, our payment processor, is the only entity actually storing your credit card information by way of its encrypted token system and secure API (Stripe is also the fastest growing payment processor in the world, and is used by Twitter, DigitalOcean, Kickstarter,...

What is your current refund policy?

ANSWER: We do not maintain a liberal refund policy nor do we plan to implement one at this time. This is because when services are ordered from LittleBizzy, we in turn must order services from our partners, meaning that "upstream" purchases take place at the time of ordering. By maintaining...

How does your customer support system work?

ANSWER: As we are a "managed" hosting company, much of our "support" is in fact pro-active, meaning that we constantly keep an eye on your server without you asking us for help in order to ensure speed, stability, and security. However, while full-time server management is 100% included, the actual...

Are there any WordPress plugins banned on your network?

ANSWER: Yes, there is an ever-evolving list of WordPress plugins that we "blacklist" from our servers for reasons of security and performance; in most cases these plugins can actually be installed for a short amount of time, however, our network cron jobs will automatically delete such plugins several times each...

Is your web hosting currently PCI compliant?

Not at this time. However, the way we've structured our web hosting technology with dedicated IP addresses, secure corporate partners, and strict privacy policies and terms of service have laid the groundwork for future PCI compliance if our team decides its a good fit for us later. If PCI certification...

Why don’t you accept PayPal payments?

In short, because PayPal is more oriented to one-time payments and/or adding funds to an online account. As our business model revolves specifically around subscriptions - along with various product "add-ons" - our system requires dynamic monthly credit card billing, and PayPal's current API simply is not flexible enough for...

What sort of database access do you offer?

LittleBizzy does not install phpMyAdmin or any other database management software on our servers in order to maintain our speed and security standards. (phpMyAdmin is one of the most commonly hacked items on web servers around the world.) As our policy is to only install/allow a single domain and database...

How can we update our domain’s DNS records?

As we aim to provide managed WordPress hosting that is truly a "stable" solution for SMB owners, a large part of that means having 24/7 access to our clients' DNS records to make sure that they are accurate, cleaned up, and that nothing fishy is going on with their DNS....

Do you offer any staging sites or environments?

Short answer: You can make use of third party staging apps for WordPress such as WP StageCoach or WP Staging, or more modern Git-based approaches such as WP Pusher or VersionPress. We also offer optional dedicated staging servers on our Superior and Enterprise Plans, which is done by setting up...

Why are you so obsessed with loading speed?

Faster is not always better, but in terms of websites, it most definitely is. There’s a reason why Google recently announced that “the web should be fast.” Faster-loading websites mean happier visitors who are less confused and more likely to buy your products – or at least stick around for...

Please explain your “managed” hosting?

The web hosting industry has two popular types of hosting: "managed" and "un-managed" (at least, usually). Simply put, "managed" hosting means that your server is being monitored constantly for uptime by LittleBizzy; if your website goes down for any reason, our team will know about it and will try to...

What server configuration (e.g. software) do you implement?

ANSWER: Every single website hosted on LittleBizzy runs on Ubuntu Linux + Nginx + PHP-FPM + MySQL which is a deadly combination when it comes to speed and efficiency. Combine this setup with the SSD drives and top notch datacenters that DigitalOcean employs and, well, the rest is history! Contrast...